http://www.adcc.com.tw/contact.html 亞洲電通有限公司 http://www.adcc.com.tw/images/corpimg.png 新北市永和區竹林路121號6樓 $ 02-8928-1233 Marshall McLuhan said, “We shape our tools and thereafter they shape us.” Asia DigiComm is the RF measurement system integration expert. And one of the few firms can provide Wireless Communication test system and Customer-made test solution service from the time-domain to frequency-domain test purpose. The high caliber staffs from the Asia DigiComm have an effective and immediate service attitude and strong RF test technology background. Asia DigiComm provide RF and DTV test solution included: Wireless communication T&M、ATSC、T-DMB、DVB、ISDB、RF recorder、DTV conformance Test and GPS simulation Tester. Our service solution can fulfill the high accuracy level and multi test simulation for R&D requirement. For manufacture, we also can provide cost-effective and reliable solution. The core value for Asia DigiComm is great emphasis placed on the service quality、 high technology innovation and human philosophy value in all civilization development. ................................................................................................................................ 科技工藝的發展交織著人類的社會進步 工藝哲學的想像帶來了人類的無限希望 哲學科技的挑戰又回到人類的反璞歸真 科技人文的結合正創造人類的生命價值 無可否認,科技成就了生命的價值 也無可否認的,生命的意義成就了科技進步 在科技、人文與經濟的交錯下,將這些元素同步的溝通,是亞洲電通不變的任務 連結世界的每一個角落 激發科技與人文的火花 我們創造通訊科技的未來 亞洲電通成就科技發展的階梯 進步成就了科技人文的偉大 亞洲電通的菁英,專業的技術背景與服務熱忱,成就了高科技工藝工具的利用價值,這些工具也將成就人文科技發展的偉大,亞洲電通相信科技的進步,我們也注重經濟的發展價值,亞洲電通與您正在不斷的努力同步生命的偉大 亞洲電通-一個專業與服務價值的承諾
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親愛的客戶:目前推出多標準ISDB-T/S/S3/C, DVB-S/S2 TS/TLV 錄製器 ~~~

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